Secretary Message

Vivekananda College of Education was established in July 1965 by the Vivekananda Educational Society, Agasteeswaram, as a living memorial to Swami Vivekananda to commemorate the birth centenary of the great sage of the East. The Principal objective of this society is to promote national integration by bringing out countless Vivekanandas who are ready to work ceaselessly for international understanding and universal peace.

The Institution is situated near Kanyakumari, the southernmost end of India. It is run by 9 Executive members elected by 93 general body members of Vivekananda Educational Society. The Management had drawn up a phased programme of expansion for the College. In this connection, the College was certified with B+ grade by NAAC during the month of May 2006. May God be the guiding light and left this institution march victoriously in the field of education! .