
Total Number of books: 4653 and Journals:31

Total No.of Encyclopedia : 47 Library Seating Capacity : 50

1. The library and Reading room will  be kept open on all working days from 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m

2. Every student should write the name and other details in the register maintained in the library.

3. Students should bring their ID cards along with their library tickets while borrowing books from the library.

4. Books will be lent to the members only against 'Borrowers' Tickets. 10 tickets will be given to a teacher 1 ticket for other staff and 3 tickets for each student. A member can borrow a book for each ticket.

5. The borrowed books should be returned within 7 days. If not, an overdue charge of Rs. 1 per volume per day will be levied.

6. Books are to be handled very carefully. If any book is damaged or lost while in possession, it has to be replaced on its cost paid. The cost to pay will be 75% in excess of the market price, over and above this, for the delay after the due date, fine as mentioned will also be levied.

7. Students are strictly forbidden not to make any marking or writing in the books issued to them.

8. Members shall be required to renew the tickets annually.

9. Members of the Teaching Staff and students should return all the books taken by them on or before the last working day of the academic year (for Annual stock verification).

10. Printed materials, umbrellas instruments, bags, boxes or any such material shall be left outside the library.

11. Reference books, current periodicals and project reports are issued to the students for reference inside the Library.