Youth Red Cross(YRC)

Youth Red Cross(YRC)

About the club:-

Youth represent a substantial part of the membership of Red Cross for its humanitarian commitment. Youth volunteers can make a significant contribution to meeting the need of the most vulnerable people within their local communities through red cross youth program. This has been designed to involve young people as much as possible in the movement and its activities not only as workers and also as beneficiaries, but as partners in management.

Main Objectives and Aims of Youth Red Cross Club:-

1. To inculcate in the youth the ideas of Peace
2. Practice and promote health- services
3. Understanding and acceptance of civil and human responsibility.
4. Cultivation and maintenance of a spirit of friendly helpfulness.
5. Donate blood and save life.
6. Service to the sick and the suffering.
7. To educate the population on how to prepare for and respond to disasters.
8. To organize emergency relief services for the victims of disasters and mitigation of their suffering.
9. Protection of life:
- Learning and practicing first aid
- Learning and practicing home nursing
- Learning how to prevent accidents

10. Voluntary services:-
- Hospital visits
- Care for physically disabled
- Service for the elderly
- Environmental clean up campaigns

Youth Red Cross Advisor and Co-ordinator

Adivisor - S.Payan,Principal
Faculty Co-ordinator - P.Prem Ananth, Mathematics
Member - T.Raghu Commerce